The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be – by Jack Canfield with Janet Switzer
When it comes to helping you achieve success in life, one of those you must read from or listen to is Jack Canfield. This is a man who brought himself up from a school teacher to selling over 80 million copies of Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which he co-created with Mark Victor Hansen, and helping millions of people the world over change their lives for the better too.
In The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be, Canfield reveals 64 principles that are fundamental to achieving success in every area of life – these are the same principles that have changed his life and brought him to the monumental level of success he is enjoying today. Treating each of the principles in separate chapter, Canfield provides exercises, techniques, and visualizations to help the reader break limiting beliefs, and align him/herself with the principle.
Without any doubt, this book will not only open your eyes to see yourself successful, it can also help you realize the dream person you want to be.
Here is an excerpt from a chapter: Develop A Positive Money Consciousness. You may not know it, but certain beliefs from your childhood, which have impressed on your mind, and have shaped your perception about money, may actually be the cause why you are not attracting enough money into your life. After reading this part of the book, you will be able to identify these limiting beliefs in your life, and break them, and start seeing a significant change in your financial life.
Read on, and enjoy …
Develop A Positive Money Consciousness
There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don’t know about it. That’s why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem; it is merely a symptom of what’s going on inside you.
Multimillionaire and president of Peak Potentials Training
Like everything else I’ve discussed in this book, financial success also starts in the mind. You have to first decide what you want. Next, you have to believe it’s possible and that you deserve it. Then you must focus on it by thinking about it and visualizing it as if it were already yours. And finally, you have to be willing to pay the price to get it – with disciplined effort and perseverance over time.
But most people never get to even the first stages of accumulating wealth. Too often, they are limited by their own beliefs about money and by the question of whether or not they deserve it.
Identify Your Limiting Beliefs About Money
To become wealthy, you’ll need to surface, identify, root out, and replace any negative or limiting beliefs you may have about money. Though it may seem odd that anyone would have a negative predisposition toward wealth, often we hold these beliefs in our subconscious from childhood. Perhaps when you were young, you heard:
Money doesn’t grow on tree.
There’s not enough money to go around.
You have to have money to make money.
Money is the root of all evil.
People with money are evil, bad, and unethical.
People with a lot of money are selfish and self-centered.
Everyone can’t be a millionaire.
You can’t buy happiness.
Rich people only care about money.
If you are rich, you can’t be spiritual.
These messages from early childhood can actually sabotage and dilute your later financial success, because they subconsciously emit a vibration that’s contrary to your conscious intentions.
What did your parents, grandparents, teachers, religious leaders, friends, and coworkers teach you about money as you were growing up and as a young adult?
My father taught me that rich people got rich by exploiting the working classes. He constantly told me he wasn’t made of money, that money didn’t grow on trees, and that money was hard to come by. One Christmas my father decided to sell Christmas trees. He rented a lot, worked hard every night from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, and just broke even after a month of hard labour. As a family, we were left with the belief that no matter how hard you work, you never get ahead.
Anne was in her midthirties when she attended one of my seminars in Australia. She had inherited a lot of money, but she hated it. She was ashamed of her wealth, hid it, and wouldn’t spend it. When the subject of money came up in the seminar, she began screaming about how money had destroyed her family. Her father, who had made a lot of money, was never home. He was either out working hard to make money or out jet-setting around the world spending it. As a result, her mother drank excessively, causing constant fighting and screaming in their household.
Not surprisingly, Anne’s childhood had been a miserable experience. But instead of identifying her father’s greed and workaholism as the actual cause of her pain, Anne had decided as a child that money was the culprit. Because childhood decisions made during times of intense emotional upset tend to stay with us longer – and remain stronger over time – Anne had retained her negative beliefs around money for over 20 years.
There are many other limiting decisions you can make about money that can keep you from making or enjoying the amount of money you deserve or want. For example:
It’s Not Okay to Make More Money Than My Father
Scott Schilling, the vice president of sales and marketing of Pulse Tech Products Corporation in Dallas, Texas, was attending one of my seminars where we were working on identifying and releasing limiting beliefs.
As I asked the participants to review their childhood for the source of a limiting belief, Scott remembered a day in 1976. He was 18 and had just finished his first month as a life insurance agent – earning a commission check of $1,856. His father, who was in his forty-sixth year with the same insurance company and only one month away from retirement, received his own paycheck that day – for $1,360.
Scott said, “When I showed my check to my father, he never said a word, but the look on his face told me he was deeply hurt. I thought, How could I do that to my dad? How could I make such a great and noble man question himself and his value?â€
Scott had made a subconscious decision not to earn more money than his father – in order to avoid causing his father the shame and embarrassment Scott imagined he felt that day in 1976. But less than a month after releasing this decision in my seminar, Scott told me he received a contract to do a week’s worth of sales training for a fee equal to one fifth of his previous year’s total salary.
Becoming Rich Would Violate the Family Code
I grew up in a working-class family. My father was a florist and he worked “for the rich.†Somehow the rich were not to be trusted. They stepped on the little people. They took advantage of the common worker. To become rich would have meant becoming a traitor to my family and my class. I didn’t want to become one of the “bad guys.â€
If I Become Wealthy, I Will Be a Burden
My friend Tom Boyer is a business consultant who felt like he had hit a plateau in terms of his income. With some brilliant assistance from our friend Gay Hendricks, he discovered the following childhood decision had put a cap on his success:
I grew up in a decidedly middle-class family in Ohio. We never wanted for food or anything, but my dad made lots of financial sacrifices so that I could pursue my dream of playing the clarinet.
I started out playing on my dad’s old metal clarinet, but soon graduated to a Leblanc, a very middle-of-the-road wooden instrument. When I began to really excel, my clarinet teacher, Mrs. Zielinski, went to my parents and said, “Your son has real talent. He deserves a very, very fine instrument. He deserves a Buffet clarinet.†Now understand, there are only two great clarinets on the planet – the Buffet and the Selmer – and in 1964, a Buffet cost $300, which is about $1,500 today. Though that was a lot of money in my family, nevertheless, it was agreed that Mrs. Zielinski would pick out the clarinet for me, and that was going to be my Christmas present.
On Christmas morning I went downstairs, unwrapped the package, opened the case, and discovered this unbelievably gorgeous clarinet with its polished granadilla wood body and bright shiny silver keys, sitting in its regal blue velvet case. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. I have since seen King Faruk’s crown jewels, and they didn’t compare to that Buffet clarinet sitting in that blue velvet case when I opened it up that Christmas morning.
I turned to thank my parents and didn’t even get the thank-you out of my mouth before my mom said, “We never would’ve been able to afford that if your sister had lived.†(My sister Carol had suddenly died of encephalitis when I was seven years old.)
And in that moment I took on the subconscious belief that the greater a success I am, the greater a burden I will be to those who love me – not only financially, but emotionally.
I now realize this subconscious belief had held me back from attaining the level of success I consciously wanted. I had convicted myself of the crime of being a burden, and now I was punishing myself by not allowing myself the level of success I truly deserve.
You must begin to understand, therefore, that the present state of your bank account, your sales, your health, your social life, your position at work, etc., is nothing more than the physical manifestation of your previous thinking. If you sincerely wish to change or improve your results in the physical world, you must change your thoughts, and you must change them IMMEDIATELY.
BOB PROCTOR, Author of The Power to Have It All
You can change this early programming using a simple yet powerful three step technique that replaces your limiting beliefs with more positive and empowering ones. While this exercise can be done on your own, it’s usually more powerful – and more fun! – to do it with a partner or a small group of people.
1. Write down your limiting belief.
Money is the root of all evil.
2. Challenge, make fun of, and argue with the limiting belief.
You can do this by brainstorming a list of new beliefs that challenge the old ones. The more outrageous and fun you make them, the more powerful the resulting shift in your consciousness will be.
Money is the root of all philanthropy.
Money is the root of great vacations!
Money might be the root of evil for someone who is evil, but I am a loving, generous, compassionate, and kind person who will use money to create good in the world.
You can even write out your new money beliefs on 3†x 5†index cards and add them to your stack of affirmations to be read out loud with enthusiasm and passion every day. This kind of daily discipline will go a long way toward helping you manifest success in the arena of money.
3. Create a positive turnaround statement. The last step is to create a new statement that is the opposite of the original belief. You want this “turnaround statement†to be one that sends shivers of delight through your body when you say it. Once you have it, walk around the room for a few moments repeating the new statement out loud with energy and passion. Repeat this new belief several times a day for a minimum of 30 days and it will be yours forever. Try one like When it comes to me, money is the root of love, joy, and good works.
Remember, ideas about financial success never form by themselves! You have to keep thinking the thoughts that build the “thought form†of prosperity. You have to take time each day and focus on thoughts of prosperity and images of financial success. When you intentionally focus on these thoughts and images, they will eventually crowd out the limiting thoughts and images and begin to dominate your thinking. If you want to accelerate reaching your financial goals, you need to practice saying positive money affirmations every day. Here are a few more that I have used with great success:
• God is my infinite supply, and large sums of money come to me quickly and easily for the highest good of all concerned.
• I now have more money than I need to do everything I want to do.
• Money comes to me in many unforeseen ways.
• I am making positive choices about what to do with my money.
• Every day, my income increases whether I am working, playing, or sleeping.
• All my investments are profitable.
• People love to pay me money for what I most enjoy doing.
Remember, you can plant any idea into the subconscious mind by repetition of thought infused with a positive expectancy and the emotion associated with already having it.
This is a great book by all standard, and I very much gladly recommend it to you.

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